Sacramento Family Photographer
When children are younger, having a portrait of the family done each year is a great way to document the progress each of them is making as they grow.
Take advantage of the time you have together while you have it by having family pictures taken by a professional photographer. It’s a sweet reminder of life together.
It is always my goal to capture an authentic moment that is about you and your family...the love and connection you have to one another.

Mini Session
up to 15 minutes coverage
10 images
1 family
Digital download
Online gallery

Regular Session (Most popular)
up to 60 minutes coverage
All images from photo session
1 family
Digital download
Online gallery
Your family portraits bring your family together.
It reminds your family of its love for one another. Your family portraits bring joy.
Couple Reasons Why Families Do Professional Family Portraits
Document Changes
Your children are changing fast. They can change so much in just a few months. Documenting your family every year or even every few years can help show just how much you all are changing. Whether you're adding new family members, loosing teeth, getting braces and so much more, this can be captured in a beautiful professional way.

Reason Two
Treasure your Memories
Creating memories together as a family is something that you can be truly proud to look back on. Smiles and laughter will fill your hearts as you enjoy the company of one another. Take a trip to the park, walk along the river, blow bubbles, have a picnic…being yourselves within your photo session, and just having fun with one another, will create photos that are so beautiful and real, for stunning memories to look back on.
Reason Three
You're Not Just Taking Them for Yourself, But for Future Generations
During the holidays, the old photo albums come out and memories flood the room as relatives recount stories from their younger years. While at the time, you might not care about photos of you, your grandchildren and great grandchildren will be overjoyed that they have pictures of you to remember you by.
Reason Four
You Never Know When the Last Chance for a Family Photo Will Be
Life is short and unpredictable. Unfortunate things happen without warning and loved ones may pass unexpectedly. Take advantage of the time you have together now so that you won't regret putting it off later.